Sunday, November 30, 2014

Social Justice Project Bullet Point #3

Sophie Watwood has grown up in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn. She attends church every Sunday in Downtown Brooklyn. She loves spending time with kids and helping those around her/

What's unfair in this world?
Social discrimination.

Do you know of any examples?
College rapes, the recent events in Ferguson and St. Louis, the song "Blurred Lines", saying "Poor people are gross", and misogyny.

As a person, what do you think is "right"?
For people presented with privilege to be morally kind. For people with opportunity to take it. To decrease the use of  the word "suck".

What injustices do you think people face in your society?
Racism, sexism, lack of economic climb or drop.

What would you do to fix these injustices?
You can't! It's impossible! For psychological discrimination to stop and economic climb and fall to happen, you would have to reconstruct the economy.

Sophie seems very concerned with social injustices among classes. Those who are poor and those who struggle aren't helped by those who are privileged. We see this with people accepting calls from a heart disease charity asking for $1 and then saying "I already donated". Of course this is a very Marxist way of looking at the world.

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